Steve Adubato is joined by Dr. John Johnson, Assistant Professor, Saint Peter’s University, to Steve and Dr. Johnson’s recent in-studio interview and to go further in-depth about race relations in Newark, New Jersey and across the country, as well as white supremacy. Later, Steve sits down with A’Dorian Murray-Thomas, Founder, SHE Wins!, to discuss how […]
Monthly Archives: May 2020
Think Tank: Lauren Duca and Bill Ritter
Steve Adubato is joined by Pete Oneglia, General Manager, InsiderNJ, and Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the impact of millennials on the political process. Then, Steve sits down with Lauren Duca, Journalist and Author, “How to Start a Revolution,” to discuss millennials’ political awakening. Later, Steve Adubato is joined […]