Kay Hendon; Cecilia Zalkind; Winifred Smith-Jenkins

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer of Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is speaks with Kay Hendon, Senior Program Officer, The Nicholson Foundation, about the growth of home-based child care in the age of COVID-19, the importance of affordable, high-quality child care for essential workers and the responsibility of the state and federal government to support access to child care.

Steve Adubato is joined by Cecilia Zalkind, President & CEO, Advocates for Children of New Jersey, to talk about the struggling infrastructure of child care, the importance of creating access to safe child care services for frontline and essential workers and the impact of state revenue on child care funding. 6/27/2020 #218

Steve Adubato speaks with Winifred Smith-Jenkins, Senior Director, Zadie’s Nurturing Den, about how COVID-19 is impacting child care centers across the state, how it will affect the future of child care and the disproportionate number of African Americans affected by the public health crisis.
