Michellene Davis; Dr. Lynette Fraga; Dr. Eugene Cornacchia

Steve Adubato is joined by Michellene Davis, Esq., President & CEO, National Medical Fellowship, to talk about the impact of the COVID pandemic on health care disparities, vaccine resistance and hesitancy in minority and underserved communities, and the long-term impact of racial disparities in Black maternal and infant health.

Steve Adubato speaks with Lynette M. Fraga, PhD, CEO, Child Care Aware of America, about the ways the COVID crisis impacted the child care industry, the challenges families face in accessing affordable, quality child care, and the importance of the Biden administration’s plans for child care and early care education.

Steve Adubato sits down with Eugene Cornacchia, PhD, President, Saint Peter’s University, to discuss the biggest leadership lessons he learned during the pandemic, the future of higher education post-COVID, and the importance of addressing equality and social justice issues in education.

Jim Carey; Dr. Leon Smith; Shabnam Salih

Steve Adubato speaks with James A. Carey, Jr., Executive Director, New Jersey Lottery, about New Jersey Lottery’s record sales during the COVID-19 pandemic, the issues with problem gambling throughout the state and the annual Festival of Ballooning.

Leon Smith, Jr., MD, Director of Maternal/Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Saint Barnabas Medical Center, joins Steve Adubato to address patient concerns about COVID vaccines and pregnancy and fertility, and the safety of these vaccines. 

Steve Adubato sits down with Shabnam Salih, Director, NJ Office of Health Care Affordability & Transparency, to discuss the importance of the Get Covered NJ initiative to improve access to healthcare coverage for New Jersey residents, and Executive Order #217, which supports affordability and accessibility measures in healthcare.

Natalie Renew; Alejandro Giménez-Santana; Vaughn Crowe

Steve Adubato speaks with Natalie Renew, Director, Home Grown, about the ways the COVID health crisis impacted home-based child care, the need for public support and investment in child care, and the increased importance of high quality, accessible child care for families.

Steve Adubato sits down with Alejandro Giménez-Santana, PhD, Director, Newark Public Safety Collaborative, and Assistant Professor of Professional Practice, Rutgers School of Criminal Justice. They discuss the rise in crime in cities across the nation, the importance of empowering communities to work together with the police, and why Newark is being recognized as a national model for public safety. 

Steve Adubato is joined by Vaughn Crowe, Managing Partner, Newark Venture Partners, to talk about the impact of the pandemic on Newark’s economic development and technology ecosystem, the long-term impact of the crisis on small and early-stage businesses, and the importance of increasing diversity within companies to help confront racism in the Newark community.

Healthcare, Childcare and Higher Education

Steve Adubato is joined by Michellene Davis, Esq., President & CEO, National Medical Fellowship, to talk about the impact of the COVID pandemic on health care disparities, vaccine resistance and hesitancy in minority and underserved communities, and the long-term impact of racial disparities in Black maternal and infant health.

Steve Adubato speaks with Lynette M. Fraga, PhD, CEO, Child Care Aware of America, about the ways the COVID crisis impacted the child care industry, the challenges families face in accessing affordable, quality child care, and the importance of the Biden administration’s plans for child care and early care education.

Steve Adubato sits down with Eugene Cornacchia, PhD, President, Saint Peter’s University, to discuss the biggest leadership lessons he learned during the pandemic, the future of higher education post-COVID, and the importance of addressing equality and social justice issues in education.

NJ Congressman and State Senator Talk Capitol Riots and COVID Leadership

Steve Adubato is joined by U.S. Congressman Andy Kim (D) – NJ, 3rd Congressional District, to reflect on his personal experience during the January 6th U.S. Capitol riots, the future of our democracy, and the long-term impact of disinformation on the nation. They also talk about how the pandemic exacerbated discrimination and racism towards the Asian community and the issues with food insecurity in New Jersey.

Steve Adubato is joined by Senator Declan O’Scanlon (R) – NJ, 13th Legislative District, to discuss the state of the COVID vaccine distribution in New Jersey; Governor Murphy’s leadership throughout the public health crisis; the impact of the pandemic on small businesses in New Jersey; and the importance of the regionalization of the state’s school districts.

Analyzing Trump + His Presidency

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Executive Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato sits down with Elie Honig, Senior Legal Analyst, CNN, Former Federal and State Prosecutor, and Author, Hatchet Man, to discuss his book and the meaning behind the “prosecutor’s code,” the role of the Attorney General and former Attorney General Bill Barr’s impact and legacy on the office.

Steve Adubato is joined by Barbara A. Res, Esq., Author, Tower of Lies: What My Eighteen Years of Working with Donald Trump Reveals About Him, and Former Executive Vice President, Trump Organization. They talk about her experience working with former President Donald Trump, his changing leadership style, the long-term impact of his presidency, and the investigation into the Trump organization.

Vicky Hernandez; Dr. Jessica Israel; Meghan Tavormina; Dr. Marie Mullaney

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Executive Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato speaks with Vicky Hernandez, Executive Director, Ironbound Community Corporation, about the impact of the pandemic on Ironbound’s mission and work, the issues surrounding childcare in Newark, and the importance of encouraging the Newark community to get vaccinated.

Steve Adubato is joined by Jessica Israel, MD, Senior Vice President of Geriatrics and Palliative Care, RWJBarnabas Health, to discuss the importance of communication to Palliative Care, the ways COVID disproportionately impacts the elderly community, and the importance of the Palliative Care Collaborative in bringing different hospitals together to learn from and support each other.

Steve Adubato sits down with Meghan Tavormina, President, New Jersey Association for the Education of Young Children, and Executive Director, The Learning Path, to talk about the issues with low wages and COVID closures that have led to the staffing crisis in the childcare industry, the impact of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan on childcare, and the importance of affordable, quality, accessible child care to New Jersey’s economy.

Steve Adubato is joined by Marie Mullaney, Ph.D., Professor of History, and Specialist, Women’s History, Caldwell University, who shares her thoughts on why women’s history should be implemented into regular history lessons. She also discusses the history of holidays created by women, including Mother’s Day, Memorial Day and Thanksgiving.

Music & Empathy; Combatting Hunger & Life Saving Transplants

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Executive Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato sits down with Stefon Harris, Assistant Professor, Music, Rutgers University-Newark & Grammy Nominated Musician, to discuss teaching empathy through music and the importance of increasing access to music and the arts.

Steve Adubato speaks with Joyce Campbell, Executive Director, Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, about the ways COVID exacerbated food insecurity in Mercer County, how TASK has helped communities in need during the crisis, and the impact of the digital divide on underserved communities.

Steve Adubato sits down with Nick Pyrsopoulos, MD, PhD, MBA, Medical Director, Liver Transplant Program, University Hospital, and James V. Guarrera, MD, Chief of Service for Surgery, Surgical Director, Liver Transplantation, University Hospital. They discuss the success of their liver transplant program, the impact of COVID on transplantation, and the importance of research collaboration.

COVID-19 & The Transplant Community

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Executive Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by a panel of leaders to discuss the impact of the COVID pandemic on the organ and tissue transplant community and the reasons behind vaccine hesitancy among transplant recipients. The panel also discusses the upcoming Reimagined Transplant Games.

Part one panelists include:

Bill Ryan, President & CEO, Transplant Life Foundation

E. Denise Peoples, Double Lung Recipient and Hospital & Community Services Coordinator, NJ Sharing Network

Sharyn Sawczak, RN, CPTC, CTBS, Director, Clinical Practice & Innovation, NJ Sharing Network

Part two guests include:

Leilani Graham, Heart Transplant Recipient, Patient Advocate & Healthcare Consultant

Brian Lima, MD, FACS, Surgical Director, Heart Transplantation & Mechanical Circulatory Support, Medical City Heart Hospital, Advanced Cardiothoracic Surgeons

COVID-19 & The Autism Community; U.S. Rep. Donald Payne Jr.

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Executive Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

With the onset of COVID-19, there were numerous challenges facing a variety of communities. One particular community that was impacted was those living with autism and their family members. Steve Adubato is joined by a panel of leaders who discuss the unique challenges children and adults with autism face during the pandemic, the reasons why people with autism are more likely to get COVID, and the reasons why remote learning is challenging for children with autism.

Panelists include:

Michele Adubato, CEO, The North Ward Center, and Founder, The Center for Autism

Suzanne Buchanan, Psy.D., BCBA-D, Executive Director, Autism New Jersey

Nadine Wright-Arbubakrr, Founder & President, Nassan’s Place

Steve Adubato is joined by Rep. Donald M. Payne Jr. (D) – NJ, 10th Congressional District, to discuss the life and legacy of the late Congressman Donald Payne, Sr. and his impact on New Jersey and the nation.

Small Business Makes a Big Difference

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Executive Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by a panel of business leaders to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the small business community in New Jersey, especially women and minority-owned businesses. The panelists reflect on lessons learned throughout the crisis and discuss the steps businesses will need to take to grow and prosper again, including continuity planning and technology training.

Panelists include:

Michele Siekerka, Esq, President & CEO, New Jersey Business & Industry Association

Jim Kirkos, President & CEO, Meadowlands Regional Chamber

Marjorie Perry, President & CEO, MZM Construction & Management

Rana Shanawani, Executive Director, Women’s Center for Entrepreneurship


Lessons in Leadership: Greg Lalevee and DeForest Soaries

Steve Adubato and Mary Gamba are joined once again by Greg Lalevee, Business Manager & General Vice President, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 825, who talks about motivating others and investing in your team. Then, Steve talks with DeForest B. Soaries, Jr., Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens, and Founder, Corporate Community Connections, Inc. about the importance of challenging the status quo. 5/30/21

Habitat for Humanity, Cyberpsychology & Vaccine Hesitancy

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Executive Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato sits down with CT Mobley, Division Vice President, Small Business Services, Diverse Business Channels at ADP, and Scott Millard, CEO, Paterson Habitat for Humanity, to talk about the 20-year relationship between Paterson Habitat and ADP, the unique challenges facing the Paterson community, and the importance of corporate philanthropy during the crisis.

Steve Adubato speaks with Julie Ancis, Ph.D., Professor & Cyberpsychology Director, New Jersey Institute of Technology, about the connection between cyberpsychology and the pandemic, the ways children are using social media and technology throughout the crisis, and the challenges of managing misinformation online.

Steve Adubato is joined by Stephen Brunnquell, MD, President, Englewood Health Physician Network, to discuss the need to educate the public about the COVID-19 vaccine and the role social media plays in the spread of misinformation about the vaccine. They also discuss how Englewood’s new medical complex in Jersey City will impact the community. 5/23/21

Talking Racial + Social Justice with Don Lemon

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Executive Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by Don Lemon, Anchor, CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, and Author, This is the Fire: What I Say to My Friends About Racism, to discuss the long-term impact of the death of George Floyd on the nation, how people can work to confront racism and sexism in society, and the responsibility of the media in delivering truthful journalism.

Steve Adubato speaks with Henal Patel, Esq., Director, Democracy & Justice Program, New Jersey Institute for Social Justice, about the distinctions between voter suppression and election security, the impact of Georgia’s new election policies, and the connection between voting laws and race. 5/15/21

Excellence in Education

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by a panel of educators from across the state to discuss the challenges teachers have faced throughout the COVID-19 crisis, including keeping students engaged during remote instruction and managing the stress of the pandemic and their responsibilities as teachers. They also discuss the role of social emotional learning and the importance of using the arts as an outlet for students.

Panelists include:

Kimberly Scott-Hayden, NEA National Education Support Professional of the Year, Inventory Control Clerk at East Orange Public Schools, and President of the East Orange Maintenance Association

Philip Pallitto, 5th & 6th Grade Teacher, Jordan Road School, and 2020-21 Atlantic County Teacher of the Year

Alicia Vilas, 5th Grade Teacher, Dr. Maya Angelou Elementary School PS #20, and 2020-21 Hudson County Teacher of the Year

Nicholas Ferroni, Teacher, Union High School

COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout in NJ

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato sits down with Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr., Essex County Executive, and Maya Lordo, Health Officer, Essex County, New Jersey, to discuss Essex County’s success in creating vaccination opportunities, and the coordination efforts between Essex County, the state & federal government and New Jersey hospital systems.

Steve Adubato speaks with Lilo H. Stainton, Health Care Writer, NJ Spotlight News, about the challenges with New Jersey’s vaccination system, including the amount of healthcare workers needed to vaccinate the public. They also discuss the importance of the state working to overcome distrust of the vaccine in minority communities.

Steve Adubato is joined by Ali A. Houshmand, PhD, President, Rowan University, to discuss the logistics of the COVID-19 vaccination process and the need to utilize higher education entities to assist with getting communities vaccinated. 3/21/21

Peter Webster; Julie Roginsky & Mike DuHaime; Dr. Joe Duffy

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato speaks with Peter Webster, Resident Managing Director, Commercial Risk Solutions, Aon, about the connection between quality, affordable child care and the economy, the importance of child care to the business industry, and the history and significance of the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra.

Steve Adubato sits down with Julie Roginsky, Democratic Strategist & President of Optimus Communications, and Mike DuHaime, Republican Strategist and Partner of Mercury LLC, to talk about how divided we are as a nation and the significance of people believing misinformation about COVID-19 and climate change science.

Steve Adubato sits down with Joseph Duffy, MD, Senior Vice President & Chief Medical Officer, St. Joseph’s Health, to discuss the importance of educating the public about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, the effective treatments for COVID-19, and the fatigue healthcare workers are experiencing during the crisis. 3/14/21

Healthcare, Childcare and Film Production

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by Marie Nevin, MD, FACE, Department Chair of Endocrinology, Summit Medical Group, to discuss the importance of properly treating patients with diabetes, the impact of COVID-19 on individuals with diabetes, and the increased use and importance of telehealth during the crisis.

Steve Adubato sits down with Amanda Missey, President & CEO, Bergen Volunteer Medical Initiative, to talk about the significant role of volunteers in providing healthcare to low-income, uninsured adults in Bergen County, especially during the pandemic. They also discuss BVMI’s new telehealth program and the need for continued fundraising throughout the crisis.

Steve Adubato is joined by Aly Richards, CEO of Let’s Grow Kids, to discuss the mission of Let’s Grow Kids, the impact of COVID-19 on the child care industry, and how Vermont can be used as a national model for child care during the pandemic.

Steve Adubato speaks with Steven Gorelick, Executive Director, New Jersey Motion Picture and Television Commission, about how COVID-19 impacted the Commission in attracting film to the state and the importance of the Film & Digital Media Tax Credit Program. 3/7/21

Racism in Healthcare and the COVID-19 Vaccine

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by Shereef M. Elnahal, MD, MBA, President & CEO of University Hospital, and Chris T. Pernell, MD, MPH, FACPM, Chief Strategic Integration & Health Equity Officer, University Hospital, to discuss the state of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the history of institutional racism in our society and how it relates to distrust in the vaccine, and the role of government in public health.

Steve Adubato is joined by John Harmon, Founder, President & CEO, African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey, to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on business in the state, specifically in Black communities, and the importance of support from the federal government to help businesses succeed.

Steve Adubato speaks with Carlos Medina, Esq., President, Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey, about the impact of COVID-19 on Hispanic-owned businesses in New Jersey, the importance of spreading awareness about the vaccine in minority communities, and the long term impact COVID-19 will have on small businesses. 2/28/21

Analyzing COVID-19, Gateway Tunnel & Climate Change Anxiety

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato sits down with Laurie G. Jacobs, MD, Chair & Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine and Hackensack University Medical Center, to discuss “long-haulers,” who are those dealing with long-term complications of COVID-19 infection and treatment, and the programs tailored specifically to meet their needs.

Steve Adubato speaks with Stephen Sigmund, Chief of Public Outreach, Gateway Program Development Corporation, about the importance of the Gateway Project and its impact on the region, President-elect Joe Biden’s support for Gateway, and the London Bridge report.

Steve Adubato is joined by Patricia Findley, DrPH, MSW, Associate Professor & Director, MSW Program, Rutgers University School of Social Work, and Carrie Ferraro, PhD, Associate Director, Coastal Climate Risk & Resilience Initiative, Rutgers University Center for Ocean Observing Leadership. They discuss how climate change can lead to anxiety in children, the ways parents and teachers can identify expressions of anxiety and help children cope with stress, and the importance of teaching children about climate science. 2/21/21

Kevin O’Toole; Dr. Nicole McGrath-Barnes; Jens Audenaert

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by Kevin O’Toole, Chairman, Board of Commissioners, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, to discuss his column on NJ Globe, “The O’Toole Chronicles,” the need for civility in politics, and the importance of having a split government.

Steve Adubato sits down with Nicole McGrath-Barnes, DDS, FACD, Founder & CEO, Kindersmile Foundation, to discuss the mission of the Foundation, the connection between oral health and overall health, the impact of COVID-19 on oral health care in underserved communities, and the importance of talking about systemic racism in health care.

Steve Adubato speaks with Jens Audenaert, Division VP & General Manager, Workmarket at ADP, about the importance of diversity & inclusion in the workplace in 2021, the impact of COVID-19 on ADP’s Diversity & Inclusion initiative, and understanding how to support those facing intersectionality. 2/14/21

Future of GOP with NJ Gov. Christie + COVID in NJ with Steve Politi

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) to talk about his thoughts on the United States Capitol riots on January 6, 2021, President Trump’s involvement in inciting the riots, and the biggest challenges and opportunities President-elect Joe Biden faces in his presidency. They also discuss the lessons Gov. Christie learned from his personal experience with COVID-19 and the challenges facing vaccine distribution in New Jersey.

Steve Adubato speaks with Steve Politi, Sports Columnist, NJ Advance Media, about his recent article on the emotional and inspirational stories of people and families who dealt with and pushed through COVID-19. They also discuss how student athletes have been impacted by sports restrictions during the pandemic. 2/7/21

Clean Energy & Confronting Racism in Healthcare

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by Barry H. Ostrowsky, President & CEO, RWJBarnabas Health, to talk about the book he co-authored, Changing Missions, Changing Lives…How a Change Agent Can Turn the Ship and Create Impact, his commitment to confronting racism in the field of healthcare, and the importance of informing communities about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Steve Adubato sits down with Joseph L. Fiordaliso, President, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, to talk about the state of clean energy in New Jersey, how the Energy Master Plan will help the state reach its goal of 100% clean energy by 2050, the role of the federal government in New Jersey’s clean energy mission, and how COVID-19 has impacted the energy field. Steve Adubato speaks with S. Nadia Hussain, Maternal Justice Campaign Director, MomsRising, about the maternal mortality crisis in New Jersey and across the country, the role of the federal government in Black maternal health outcomes, and the impact of COVID-19 on racial disparities in maternal health. 1/31/21

Brian Stelter; Angel Santiago; Laura Greenwald

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by Brian Stelter, Anchor, Reliable Sources, CNN Chief Media Correspondent, and Author of Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth, to discuss the relationship between President Trump and the media, the role of the media & social media in the post-Trump era, and how the news has covered the public health crisis.

Steve Adubato sits down with Angel Santiago, 2020-21 NJ State Teacher of the Year & Fifth Grade Teacher, Loring Flemming Elementary School, to discuss the impact of being named the teacher of the year, his ability to adapt during the pandemic & connect with students virtually, and the importance of diversity in education.

Steve Adubato speaks with Laura Greenwald, D.M.A., Music Department Chair & Director, Vocal Activities and the Choral & Opera Workshop, Caldwell University, about the challenges teaching music on the college level during a pandemic, the connection between music and mental health, and the importance of innovative teaching methods and performances during the crisis.


Panel: Democracy at a Crossroads

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

As part of our “Democracy at a Crossroads” series of programs, Steve Adubato is joined by a panel of experts to discuss the divided discourse in the country following the 2020 election, the role of the media in a functioning democracy, President Trump’s leadership throughout his tenure, and the challenges facing President-elect Joe Biden.

Panelists include:

Jeanette Hoffman, Republican Strategist & President, Marathon Public Affairs

Karen Hunter, Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist & Host, “The Karen Hunter Show” on SiriusXM

Ben Dworkin, PhD, Director, Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship (RIPPAC)

Pete Oneglia, General Manager & Co-Founder, Insider NJ


Tom Bergeron; Asw. Eliana Pintor Marin; Michellene Davis

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

As part of our “Democracy at a Crossroads” series of programs, Steve Adubato speaks with Tom Bergeron, Owner & Editor, ROI-NJ, about the response to the results of the 2020 election, the lack of trust in the voting process, and the role of the media in ensuring a healthy democracy.

Steve Adubato speaks with Asw. Eliana Pintor Marin (D) – NJ, Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on Newark, the long-term economic impact of the crisis on the state, and the importance of affordable, accessible, and quality child care during the pandemic.

Steve Adubato is joined by Michellene Davis, Executive Vice President & Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, RWJBarnabas Health, to discuss social determinants of health and the book she co-authored, Changing Missions, Changing Lives…How a Change Agent Can Turn the Ship and Create Impact, about corporate engagement in social change. 1/3/21

Democracy at a Crossroads with Rep. Mikie Sherrill & Fmr. NY Gov. David Paterson

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

As part of our “Democracy at a Crossroads” series of programs, Steve Adubato is joined by David Paterson, Former Governor of New York & Author, Black, Blind, and In Charge, to discuss his journey overcoming a severe disability and racial prejudice to become a state senator, lieutenant governor and the governor of New York. Gov. Paterson also shares the importance of bipartisan cooperation in politics.

As part of our “Democracy at a Crossroads” series of programs, Steve Adubato is joined by U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D) – NJ, to discuss the state of our democracy, the lack of trust in the electoral process, President Trump’s tone & demeanor during the 2020 election, and her thoughts on President-elect Joe Biden. 12/20/20

Tim Naftali & John Catsimatidis on Trump Tenure; Bob Feinberg on Arts in NJ

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato speaks with Timothy Naftali, PhD, Presidential Historian, NYU & Former Director, Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum, about President Trump’s tenure and leadership throughout his presidency and the pandemic, as well as the possible transition of power.

Steve Adubato talks to John Catsimatidis, Chairman & CEO, Red Apple Group, about his thoughts on President Trump’s leadership, the 2020 election and the political discourse taking place across the nation.

Steve Adubato is joined by Bob Feinberg, Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of WNET, and CEO & Founder of Montclair Film, to discuss the changes that needed to be made for the 9th annual Montclair Film Festival, the challenges of fundraising during COVID-19, and the innovative happenings around film throughout the pandemic. 12/12/20

Paula Franzese on Supreme Court in Society & Jenn Sherman on Peloton

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato sits down with Paula Franzese, Peter W. Rodino Professor of Law & Director of Leadership Fellows Program, Seton Hall University School of Law, to talk about the life and legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the role of the U.S. Supreme Court in today’s society, and President Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to fill Ginsburg’s seat.

Steve Adubato speaks with Jenn Sherman, Peloton Instructor, about her authentic, original Peloton rides and the need for exercise during these challenging times to help improve both physical and mental health. 11/22/20

Entrepreneurship in the Age of COVID-19 with Gary Vee

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato sits down with Author & Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia, and Chairman of VaynerX, to talk about the impact of COVID-19 on entrepreneurship & innovation and the new normal of remote communications. 11/8/20

The COVID-19 Pandemic & Its Impact on Transplant

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato sits down with Joe Roth, President & CEO, NJ Sharing Network, and Elisse Glennon, Executive Director, NJ Sharing Network Foundation, to talk about the impact of COVID-19 on organ and tissue donation, how NJ Sharing Network supported the transplant community during these challenging times and the upcoming 2021 Transplant Games. Steve continues the conversation about transplant with healthcare leaders from across the state including:

Robert Garrett, CEO, Hackensack Meridian Health

Michele Donato, MD, Chief, Stem Cell Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Division, John Theurer Cancer Center at Hackensack University Medical Center

Daniel Varga, MD, Chief Physician Executive, Hackensack Meridian Health

Stuart Geffner, MD, MS, Chairman, Surgeon in Chief & Director, Renal & Pancreas Surgery Program at Saint Barnabas Medical Center

Margarita Camacho, MD, Surgical Director, Heart Transplant Program, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center

Deepa Iyer, MD, Advanced Heart Failure & Transplant Cardiologist & Medical Director, Mechanical Circulatory Support Program at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital

Nadine Wright-Arbubakrr; Dr. Mark Merlin; Mark Dinglasan; Dave Ellis

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato speaks with Nadine Wright-Arbubakrr, Founder & President, Nassan’s Place, about her son, Nassan, who has non-verbal autism, and the challenges facing families and children with autism during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Steve Adubato speaks with Mark A. Merlin, DO, Founder & CEO, MD1 Program, about the mission of MD1 in bringing doctors to the site of emergency situations and how COVID-19 has impacted the way their organization functions.

Steve Adubato speaks with Mark Dinglasan, Executive Director, CUMAC, about the mission of the anti-hunger organization, social determinants of health, and the long-term impact of adverse childhood experiences on children and how they are connected to food insecurity.

Steve Adubato is joined by Dave Ellis, Executive Director of the Office of Resilience, The New Jersey Department of Children and Families, to talk about the need for high-quality, affordable childcare in the age of COVID-19 and the importance of having conversations about confronting racism.


Newark During COVID-19 Panel & Leadership in Policing with Patrick Colligan

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by Michele Adubato, CEO, The North Ward Center, Marsha Atkind, Executive Director and CEO, The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey and Anibal Ramos Jr., North Ward Councilman, City of Newark, to discuss the role of non-profits, foundations and elected officials in supporting communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Steve Adubato is joined by Patrick Colligan, State President, New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association, to discuss the murder of George Floyd and the need to talk about confronting racism in the law enforcement community.


Nursing + Healthcare with Rebecca Love, Dr. Ganat, Dr. Neville, Dr. LeBenger

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato speaks with Rebecca Love, RN, BS, MSN, President, SONSIEL, and Vice President, OptimizeRx, about the challenges nurses face during the COVID-19 public health crisis, the future of the nursing profession and the Nurse Hack for Health: COVID-19 Virtual Hackathon event.

Steve Adubato is joined by Maz Ganat, MD, Program Director, Urologic Oncology, Englewood Health, to discuss the importance of returning to your regular health care during COVID-19, how COVID-19 will change the future of healthcare and the increased need for telemedicine.

Steve Adubato is joined by Kathleen Neville, PhD, RN, FAAN, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research, College of Nursing, Seton Hall University, to discuss the role of nurses during the COVID-19 public health crisis and the ways COVID-19 adds stress to the lives of people with opioid abuse issues.

Steve Adubato speaks with Kerry LeBenger, MD, FAAAAI, FACAAI, Chief Medical Officer, Summit CityMD, about the importance of ensuring the safety of both patients and healthcare workers during COVID-19 and the long-term impact of COVID-19 on the field of healthcare.


Dr. Perry Halkitis; Thomas Brostrøm; Marjorie Perry

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato speaks with Perry N. Halkitis, Dean, Rutgers School of Public Health, about the issues with COVID-19 and contact sports, as well as the challenges with testing and contact tracing.

Steve Adubato speaks with Thomas Brostrøm, CEO, Ørsted North America, Offshore, about innovation in wind energy, development of the New Jersey Wind Port and the importance of Ørsted’s Pro-NJ Trust in supporting small, women-owned and minority-owned businesses.

Steve Adubato is joined by Marjorie Perry, President & CEO of MZM Construction & Management, to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses, the digital divide in education and what we need to do to confront racism in our communities.


MSNBC’s Joy Reid & CNN’s Jim Sciutto

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by Joy Reid, Host, MSNBC’s THE REIDOUT, to talk about her reaction to Joe Biden’s selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate, the importance of diversity in politics and President Trump’s leadership and rhetoric throughout his presidency.

Steve Adubato is joined by Jim Sciutto, Co-Anchor, CNN Newsroom & CNN Chief National Security Correspondent, to discuss his new book, The Madman Theory: Trump Takes on the World; the impact of President Trump’s tone and demeanor on international relations; the 2020 election and the relationship between Trump and the media.


2020 Election with U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R) – NJ, Amy Kennedy (D) – NJ & Dr. Eugene Cornacchia

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R) – NJ, 2nd Congressional District, to discuss his decision to switch from the Democratic to the Republican Party, President Trump’s leadership throughout the pandemic and his thoughts on Joe Biden’s selection of U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris as his Vice Presidential running mate.

Steve Adubato is joined by Amy Kennedy (D) – NJ, Democratic Candidate, New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District, to discuss her thoughts on her opponent, Rep. Jeff Van Drew, and the need for better access to high-quality, affordable health care and mental health care, especially in the age of COVID.

Steve Adubato is joined by Eugene Cornacchia, PhD, President, Saint Peter’s University, to talk about the importance of the 2020 election to the nation, the impact of the COVID-19 public health crisis on higher education and the need for collaboration as well as competition between colleges and universities.


U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D) – NJ; Asm. Jon Bramnick (R) – NJ

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D) – NJ, Democratic Incumbent for U.S. Senate, to discuss presidential candidate Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris; President Trump’s tone and demeanor throughout his presidency and the national response to the COVID-19 public health crisis. Sen. Booker also discusses legislation to protect the privacy of federal judges and legislation to confront racism in policing.

Steve Adubato talks to Assemblyman Jon Bramnick (R) – NJ, Republican Leader, about Gov. Murphy’s plans to reopen the state’s economy, President Trump’s leadership throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of the President’s decision to not attend the funeral service for the late Rep. John Lewis.


COVID-19 Impact on Child Care with Carole Johnson, Dr. Junlei Li & Beverly Lynn

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer of Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

First, Steve is joined by Carole Johnson, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Human Services, to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 public health crisis on child care centers across the state and how the Department of Human Services is supporting centers, children and families through this challenging time.

Then, Steve is joined by Junlei Li, Ph.D., Saul Zaentz Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at Harvard Graduate School of Education and Senior Fellow at the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media. Steve and Dr. Li discuss the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on early childhood development, early learning and child care, as well as the role of public policy in supporting the child care industry.

Finally, Steve is joined by Beverly Lynn, Ed.D., CEO, Programs for Parents, to discuss the significant impact of the COVID-19 crisis on child care centers in New Jersey, how centers are working to safely reopen and the long-term implications of the pandemic on children and families, specifically in urban communities.


Confronting Racism with Aqeela Sherrills & Ryan Haygood

Steve Adubato is joined by Mikaela Batts, Associate Producer at the Caucus Educational Corporation, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

First, Steve is joined by Aqeela Sherrills, Director, Newark Community Street Team, to talk about the history of systemic racism in our country and the importance of confronting these issues by continuing to have difficult conversations.

Then, Steve speaks to Ryan Haygood, President & CEO, New Jersey Institute for Social Justice, to talk about the importance of confronting racism across the nation and the ways people can make a difference in their own communities.


Ira Robbins; Dan Lombardo; Pete Oneglia; Lilo Stainton

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer of Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by Ira Robbins, President & CEO, Valley Bank, to talk about the larger role banks play in helping small businesses, non-profits and the larger community survive during the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Steve Adubato speaks with Daniel L. Lombardo, President & CEO, Volunteers of America Delaware Valley, about the mission of VOADV and the unique challenges the homeless face during the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Steve Adubato talks to Pete Oneglia, General Manager and Co-Founder, Insider NJ, about the important role of digital media platforms to inform the public during a crisis and how COVID-19 has impacted voting and the 2020 election.

Steve Adubato is joined by Lilo H. Stainton, Healthcare Writer, NJ Spotlight, to discuss the longterm impact of COVID-19 on healthcare and the evolving role of the media during the pandemic.


Kay Hendon; Cecilia Zalkind; Winifred Smith-Jenkins

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer of Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is speaks with Kay Hendon, Senior Program Officer, The Nicholson Foundation, about the growth of home-based child care in the age of COVID-19, the importance of affordable, high-quality child care for essential workers and the responsibility of the state and federal government to support access to child care.

Steve Adubato is joined by Cecilia Zalkind, President & CEO, Advocates for Children of New Jersey, to talk about the struggling infrastructure of child care, the importance of creating access to safe child care services for frontline and essential workers and the impact of state revenue on child care funding. 6/27/2020 #218

Steve Adubato speaks with Winifred Smith-Jenkins, Senior Director, Zadie’s Nurturing Den, about how COVID-19 is impacting child care centers across the state, how it will affect the future of child care and the disproportionate number of African Americans affected by the public health crisis.


Neal Shapiro; Dr. Ali Houshmand; Richard Uniacke

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer of Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by Neal Shapiro, President & CEO, The WNET Group, to talk about the role of public media during a pandemic, the innovative, educational programming WNET is producing throughout the crisis and how COVID-19 will impact the future of broadcasting.

Steve Adubato speaks with Ali Houshmand, PhD, President, Rowan University, about how the COVID-19 public health crisis is impacting colleges and universities, prospective and current college students, and the future of higher education.

Steve Adubato is joined by Richard Uniacke, Executive Director, Bridges Outreach, to talk about the unique challenges the homeless community faces during COVID-19, the overall challenges non-profits are facing and the ways the city of Newark has helped the homeless population during these difficult times.


U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer; Jose Lozano; Judy Schmidt

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer of Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by U.S. Representative Josh Gottheimer (D) – NJ, 5th Congressional District, to talk about the long-term economic impact of COVID-19 on New Jersey; the need for bipartisanship during a crisis; the importance of leadership from the state and federal government and the need to protect seniors and veterans throughout the crisis.

Steve Adubato speaks with Jose Lozano, President & CEO, Choose New Jersey, about the impact of the public health crisis on businesses in New Jersey, the connection between technology, innovation and COVID-19, and the impact of higher education on the state’s economic development.

Steve Adubato is joined by Judith Schmidt, MSN, RN, CEO, NJ State Nurses Association, to talk about the important role of nurses during the public health crisis, how the crisis has changed the future of nursing and the increased use of telehealth.


U.S. Senator Bob Menendez; Bob Garrett; Tammy Murphy

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer of Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the segments on this episode of Think Tank.

Steve Adubato is joined by U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D) – NJ, to talk about how New Jersey has been impacted by the public health crisis in comparison to the rest of the nation; President Trump’s leadership during the pandemic; the role of the federal government during a crisis and the importance of being prepared for future COVID-19 outbreaks.

Steve Adubato speaks with Robert C. Garrett, CEO, Hackensack Meridian Health, about the ways physicians’ leadership has changed because of the COVID-19 public health crisis, the changing infrastructure of healthcare systems and the significance of the plasma transfusion therapy for COVID-19 patients.

Steve Adubato is joined by Tammy Murphy, First Lady of New Jersey, and Founding Chair, NJ Pandemic Relief Fund, to talk about the mission of the New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund, the significance of the “Jersey 4 Jersey” relief benefit and the importance of finding ways to still give back to others while staying safe at home.


Think Tank: Dr. John Johnson and A’Dorian Murray-Thomas

Steve Adubato is joined by Dr. John Johnson, Assistant Professor, Saint Peter’s University, to Steve and Dr. Johnson’s recent in-studio interview and to go further in-depth about race relations in Newark, New Jersey and across the country, as well as white supremacy.

Later, Steve sits down with A’Dorian Murray-Thomas, Founder, SHE Wins!, to discuss how her tragic experience with gun violence inspired her to start an organization to help other girls in Newark cope with violence and grow into leaders.

Think Tank: Lauren Duca and Bill Ritter

Steve Adubato is joined by Pete Oneglia, General Manager, InsiderNJ, and Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the impact of millennials on the political process. Then, Steve sits down with Lauren Duca, Journalist and Author, “How to Start a Revolution,” to discuss millennials’ political awakening.

Later, Steve Adubato is joined by Pete Oneglia and Nicole Swenarton to discuss the state of media and journalism. He then sits down with Bill Ritter, Anchor, Eyewitness News, WABC-TV, to talk about the media today, the divisive rhetoric seen online and the importance of encouraging kindness and compassion.

Think Tank: Selwyn Raab and Alejandro Roubian & Brett Sabo

Steve Adubato sits down with Selwyn Raab, Investigative Journalist & author, “Five Families: The Rise, Decline and Resurgence of America’s Most Powerful Mafia Empires,” to discuss the role of the American Mafia today and how its portrayed in the media.

Later, Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the gun debate in America. He then sits down with Alejandro Roubian, President & Managing Editor, New Jersey Second Amendment Society and Brett Sabo, New Jersey Chapter Lead, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, to explore the different perspectives on gun laws and gun safety in New Jersey and the nation.

Think Tank: Jens Audenaert & Dafna Lemish

Steve Adubato is joined by Mary Gamba, Executive Producer, Steve Adubato’s Lessons in Leadership, and Laura Van Bloem, VP, Marketing & Sponsor Relations, Caucus Educational Corporation, to discuss female diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Then, Steve sits down with Jens Audenaert, Division Vice President & General Manager for WorkMarket at ADP and Executive Sponsor for ADP Pride, to examine the importance of inclusivity and diversity in a company in order to promote positive leadership and a safe workplace for all, including LGBTQ+ employees.

Later, Steve Adubato is joined by Jeanette Hoffman, Republican Strategist and President, Marathon Public Affairs, to discuss diversity in children’s television. He then sits down with Dr. Dafna Lemish, Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean for Programs, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University, to discuss the impact of diversity in children’s television on how kids feel about themselves and the world.

Think Tank: Debbie Walsh & Kelly Thomas

Steve Adubato is joined by Jeanette Hoffman, Republican Strategist and President, Marathon Public Affairs and Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato to discuss female representation in politics. Then, Steve sits down with Debbie Walsh, Director, Center for American Women and Politics, Rutgers University, to examine the role of women in legislature and how the #MeToo movement has made an impact on women in politics.

Later, Steve Adubato goes on-location to Kessler Foundation’s “Transforming Care and Recovery for People with Spinal Cord Injury” event to speak with Kelly Thomas, Research Participant, University of Louisville, who talks about how innovative research has aided her rehabilitation from a spinal cord injury. He is joined by Mary Gamba, Executive Producer, Steve Adubato’s Lessons in Leadership for additional commentary.

Think Tank: Michael K. Williams & Dominic Dupont

Steve Adubato and Jim McGreevey, Former Governor of New Jersey & Chairman, New Jersey Reentry Corporation discuss how the opioid crisis affects citizens returning from incarceration. Later, Steve Adubato goes on-location to the New Jersey Reentry Conference at Saint Peter’s University to speak with Michael K. Williams, Actor and Founder, Making Kids Win and Dominic Dupont, Program Director, Making Kids Win. Williams talks about his acting career, struggle with addiction, and commitment to charitable efforts. Dupont shares his personal story of conviction as a teen and turning his life around.

Think Tank: Dr. Cornel West

Steve Adubato goes on-location to the 2019 NJEA Convention to sit down with Cornel West, Professor, Philosopher, Author & Activist, for a special half-hour conversation. They discuss social justice in education, the importance of civil political discourse, the leadership styles of President Obama and President Trump and the election outlook for 2020.

Think Tank: James Lipton

Steve Adubato looks at the life and legacy of the late James Lipton, long-time host of Bravo’s Inside the Actors Studio and reflects on his insightful 2016 interview with Lipton where they discussed his students, his love for teaching and those famous 10 Questions Lipton asked his guests at the end of each show.

Think Tank: Chris Cuomo

Steve Adubato is joined by Nicole Swenarton, Senior Producer, Think Tank with Steve Adubato, to discuss the challenges of being a journalist today and where emotion has a place in reporting. Later, Steve Adubato speaks with Chris Cuomo, Anchor of CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time, to discuss challenges the media faces today and covering the Trump administration.

Think Tank: Steve Sweeney

Steve Adubato is joined by Benjamin Dworkin, Ph.D., Director of Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship, Rowan University to discuss the relationship between Governor Phil Murphy (D) – NJ and Senate President Steve Sweeney (D) – NJ and the state of the Democratic Party. Later, Steve Adubato speaks with Senate President Steve Sweeney to discuss the top issues facing New Jersey, including: the Path to Progress; the fiscal state of NJ; public employee pensions and vaping.

Think Tank: Holly Schepisi

Steve Adubato is joined by Jeanette Hoffman, Republican Strategist and President of Marathon Public Affairs to discuss facing scrutiny on social media while in the public eye. Later, Steve Adubato speaks with Asw. Holly T. Schepisi (R) – NJ, Assistant Republican Leader, who shares her experience in the public eye – from attacks on her appearance, to her personal weight loss journey – and why she continues a life in politics.

Think Tank: Senate President Steve Sweeney

Steve Adubato is joined by Benjamin Dworkin, Ph.D., Director of Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship, Rowan University to discuss the relationship between Governor Phil Murphy (D) – NJ and Senate President Steve Sweeney (D) – NJ and the state of the Democratic Party. Later, Steve Adubato speaks with Senate President Steve Sweeney to discuss the top issues facing New Jersey, including: the Path to Progress; the fiscal state of NJ; public employee pensions and the push to ban vaping across the state.

Think Tank: Greg Herenda and Luis Robles

This episode of Think Tank with Steve Adubato: The Podcast takes a look at sports and leadership.

First, Steve Adubato speaks with Greg Herenda, Head Coach, Fairleigh Dickinson University Men’s Basketball, who discusses sports and leadership and describes how he overcame a recent health scare to lead his Knights to their first NCAA Tournament game win.

Later, Steve Adubato is joined by Captain and Goalkeeper of the NY Red Bulls, Luis Robles, to discuss inspiring kids both on and off the soccer field and his role in raising awareness for pediatric cancer research.

Think Tank: Ginger Gold Schnitzer

Steve Adubato speaks with Ginger Gold Schnitzer, Executive Director of the Guarini Institute for Government and Leadership, Saint Peter’s University, to talk about her role as the new Executive Director, the mission of the Guarini Institute and the importance of teaching students about current public policy issues.

Think Tank: Neal Shapiro and Joe Strupp

This episode of Think Tank with Steve Adubato: The Podcast takes a look at media and journalism today.

First, Steve Adubato speaks with Neal Shapiro, President & CEO of WNET, to discuss the NJTV News partnership with NJ Spotlight, the importance of local journalism and the future of media in our society today.

Later, Steve Adubato is joined by Joe Strupp, Journalist and Author of “Killing Journalism: How Greed, Laziness, (and Donald Trump) Are Destroying News and How We Can Save It,” to discuss the challenges the news media is facing today, what the future of journalism looks like, and President Trump’s impact on the perception of the media.

Think Tank: Sam Brinton

Steve Adubato speaks with Sam Brinton, Head of Advocacy and Government Affairs at The Trevor Project, a national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth. Sam shares his personal story and why the 50 Bills 50 States campaign is so important for the LGBTQ youth community.

Think Tank: Francois Clemmons

Steve Adubato goes on-location to The Turrell Fund Day for Children in Shelburne, Vermont to speak with Dr. Francois Clemmons, singer and actor from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, about Dr. Clemmons’ groundbreaking role as Officer Clemmons on the show, the impact of Mister Rogers Neighborhood on generations of children, and the lessons Fred Rogers taught Dr. Clemmons about the importance of love.

Think Tank: Bob Ley

Steve Adubato sits down with Bob Ley, Sports Journalist and Former Host of Outside the Lines on ESPN, to talk about the evolution of ESPN, his retirement from ESPN after 40 years, the interviews and stories that have had a profound impact on him, as well as the important connection between sports and leadership.

Think Tank: Kevin Richardson and Vanessa Potkin

Steve Adubato speaks with Kevin Richardson, a member of the “Exonerated Five,” and Vanessa Potkin, Director of Post-Conviction Litigation with the Innocence Project. The pair discuss the Netflix series, “When They See Us,” which tells the story of the Exonerated Five from their point of view 30 years after headlines labeled them the “Central Park Five” when they were accused and later wrongfully convicted of assaulting and raping a woman in Central Park.

Think Tank: Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

As part of our Right From the Start NJ programming, Steve Adubato goes on-location to the “Overcoming Childhood Adversity and Trauma: A Healthier Future for NJ Kids” event to speak with Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, Founder & CEO, Center for Youth Wellness, about the importance of screening for ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) in a primary care setting in order to prevent more problems later in life.

Think Tank: Jo-Renee Formicola and Robert Hoatson

This episode of Think Tank with Steve Adubato: The Podcast takes a look at the Catholic Church.

First, Steve Adubato speaks with Jo-Renee Formicola, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science at Seton Hall University and Author, “Papal Policies on Clerical Sexual Abuse: God Weeps,” to discuss sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

Later, Robert Hoatson, Ph.D, President & Co-Founder, Road to Recovery and Steve Adubato speak about the unethical actions taking place in the churches, including sexual abuse, and what needs to be done to prevent this from continuing. Hoatson also shares his thoughts on how these incidents may impact the churches and people’s beliefs.

Think Tank: Senate President Steve Sweeney

Steve Adubato is joined by NJ Senate President, Steve Sweeney (D) – NJ, to discuss the biggest issues facing the state including: NJ’s fiscal future; the public employee pension system; recommendations from the Path to Progress report; and a look to the 2020 Presidential election.

Think Tank: Mikie Sherrill

Steve Adubato is joined by U.S. Representative Mikie Sherrill (D) – NJ, who represents a moderate conservative-leaning district in northern New Jersey and has quickly become an important voice in the United States House of Representatives, to discuss her career and path towards Congress, the future of the Democratic Party in New Jersey and her priorities in Washington, D.C.

Think Tank: Holly Schepisi

Steve Adubato sits down with NJ Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi (R) – NJ, who is considered by many as a potential Republican gubernatorial candidate with her issue-oriented and policy-driven in her approach to governing, to explore the challenges facing the Republican party in New Jersey, the future of the GOP nationally and the impact of President Trump on the party.